Thursday, 16 June 2011

Everything Has A Price... Even Nature

The UK National Ecosystem Assessment claims that nature is worth about £50 billion to Britain. Mother Nature makes us £20 billion richer each year with an additional £30 billion of value embedded in nature.

The Price List:

- Health benefit of living near green space: £300 per person
- Timber: £100 million
- Value of bees and other pollinators: £430 million
- Value of biodiversity to social well-being: £540 million
- Total value of fish caught in Britain: £600 million
- Value of recreational fishing: £1 billion
- Benefit wetlands bring to water quality: £1.5 billion

Overall value of UK's nature: £20 billion
Potential value of Britain's nature: £50 billion

Can You put a price on the Priceless ?

Do your bit for Nature, before it's too late. 

Don't know where to start? 
SimpliC☺ loves and recommends : Do The Green Thing

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